You have been chosen

It’s not fame, money, numbers and quotas that get you on the plains of Arafah!

YOU have been chosen by Ar Rahman…


How we wish we were invited...

So and so is leaving next week for Umrah
How we wish we were invited…

So and so won an Umrah ticket
How we wish we were invited…

So and so is taking their kids for Umrah this holiday
How we wish we were invited…

That picture of the Kabah just melted my heart
How we wish we were invited…

That picture of Masjidun Nabawi brought back so many memories
How we wish we were invited…

The shoe bag I found while spring cleaning reminded me of Hajj days
How we wish we were invited…

The tang I sipped at my neighbours house brought flashbacks of @sahuc giving tang for hajjis
How we wish we were invited…

Oh Allah, invite all those reading this msg to your House with ease and aafiyah – Aameen

Tips for first time Haajis

Books & literature

Questions & Answers

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Masjid An Nabawi SAW

The Prophet sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam said, “One salāh in this masjid of mine (Al-Masjid An-Nabawī) is better than a thousand prayers in any other, except for Al-Masjid Al-Harām.” (Al-Bukhārī, Muslim)

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Masjid Al Haram - Makkah

The actual virtue of performing salāh in Al-Masjid Al-Haram is understood from another hadīth to be 100,000 times more than any other. (Ibn Mājah)

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Masjid Al Qibli - Aqsa

Sayyiduna Abud Darda (RA) reports that Rasulullah SAW said as part of a longer Hadith: ‘… One salah in the Masjid of Baytul Muqaddas (Masjidul Aqsa) is better than five hundred Salahs elsewhere.’ (Musnad Bazzar)