What is Arafah like ?

As you await the dawn of the Day of Arafah, you won’t be able to sleep. You are too excited and nervous. As the sun’s rays start to light the sky you somehow sense that the whole universe, seen and unseen, is united in glorifying the oneness of God. Then you are off to Arafah with prayers on your lips.

  1. On arriving at Arafah you will be pleasantly surprised at the trees at the plains on Arafah. 
  2. Have your prepared list of dua’s ready. It is bittersweet sitting on Arafah and calling out the names of loved one in duaa. We had everyone write down what they wanted us to ask for in a journal,which we only opened on Arafah. 
  3. Have your Quran with you and a programme of ibadah for the day. You will have only time on your hands on Arafah. 
  4. Rest in the morning but use the full day of Arafah for worship—not just the time after Asr (late afternoon prayer). 
  5. We have all seen photos of Arafah where hujaaj stand on top of Jabal Rahmah, the mountain of mercy, the place where Almighty forgave Nabi Adam AS and Houwwa AS, the place where Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam gave his farewell speech. We all assume this is where we will stand on the day of Arafah. Not all of us are that fortunate. 
  6. My beloved hujaaj many of us stand at Wuquf on the plains of Arafah, not on Jabal Rahmah. If you desire to be on Jabal Rahmah you will have to walk on your own to the mountain area which is about 45minutes of walking from your camp area. 
  7. You will be walking on your own as your hajj operator cannot accompany every hujaaj that day to the mountain nor can they assist you in climbing it, it would be impossible for them given the masses. Only attempt this if you are fit, healthy and strong on the day. 
  8. For those able to take on the walk it is worth every step of the struggle to get there. 
  9. Your tent on Arafah has a carpet, shade and some water coolers.

Please remember me and my family at this time when your hands are outstretched begging the Almighty’s forgiveness, at that moment I beg you to ask for ours too. When you will prostrate in sujood, it will feel as if you are prostrating at the foot of the Arsh of Allah. SubhanAllah.

For many the face of hajj is standing on the hilltop of Arafah, for me the face of hajj also became my elderly hajj mother sitting in her wheelchair dependant on someone else to take her to the bathroom, to change the direction of her wheelchair so she could pray, to bring her water or just ask if she needed anything. To me the face of hajj was when we stood on Arafah and that cool breeze started blowing as if blowing our sins away. To me the face of Arafah was us hujaaj sitting / standing on Arafat, exhausted at 9pm, waiting for our busses, but such contentment in our hearts. Hajj has many faces my dear Guests of Allah.

As hujaaj we arrive on Arafah in our clean ihram with tarnished hearts, but when we leave Arafah, we leave dirty, dishevelled, exhausted yet with a clean heart, scented with the purity of Allah’s forgiveness. Your heart will be pure, content and beating only for Allah!


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Advice for Arafaat