Peachwool, Nida and Bon Bon are some of the suggested materials to use for a ladies ihraam.
Here are some pros and cons of using either colour.



  • No need to wear double layer as it is not see through
  • Dust etc wont be easily visible


  • might attract more heat



  • Looks beautiful seeing a see of white
  • Reminds one about wearing a white kafan after passing away


  • Dirt etc can be easily visible (note for ladies who get their menses to avoid wearing white)
  • A double layer of clothing may need to be worn as material might be see through

Its a personal preference which colour to wear.

In the end, we make duaa to Allah that our hearts become white and pure after performing Hajj – Aameen

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Second Discussion on this post



Black or White Ihram