Is a Haajis Duas accepted for 40 days?

Question: People have been saying that when one returns home from having completed Haj or ‘Umrah, their dua’s are accepted for forty days. I have never come across this before and am questioning its authenticity. Please can you enlighten me on this matter? Answer: I have come across the following narrations regarding the du’as of […]

Hanafi Ladies performing Salaah in Haram

As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakatu I would to query whether ladies following hanafi madhab should follow imams of both harams, Makkah and Madinah,  for salaah. What would be best for us to do? JazakAllahAssalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa BarakaatuhRespected Brother/Sister in IslamIs it better and more rewarding for a woman to perform Salaah […]