Submitted by @burqarae

From the time the first hajj list was released.. I have had several calls and messages from ladies asking for advice.. word went around that I was heavily pregnant during hajj last year 
There were ladies who were so confused as to whether they should go ahead or postpone.. places needed to be booked and so perhaps they felt that I could give them their answer.. I am not in a position to tell anyone if they should or should not go.. as I am not a doctor & I feel that the first thing anyone needs to do is consult with their gynae. 
It was my 3rd child.. and I had no history of pre term labour.. or complications.. or pressure( this is dangerous if you are flying especially in the latter part of your pregnancy) My doctor believed that I was fit enough to embark on the journey and whilst I trusted his decision.. I also read istikhara. Each person is different.. each persons experience will be different. I heard of pregnant ladies fainting.. being hospitalized etc during hajj.. But at the same time even non pregnant ladies and even many men as well needed drips due to dehydration..Alhamdulillah I had the most beautiful journey. I think that your whole mindset plays a big part in this.. I was very determined to do it.. and accepted that yes it will be a challenge as I will be physically restricted to some degree. I also did not want to leave 3 kids behind the next year even though their grandparents would have lovingly seen to them alhamd. 
Last year there were just 4 other pregnant ladies with me.. who I knew off.. there could have been many more as the number of people who have contacted me this year was quite surprising. We see write ups on hajj and advices been given all over but last year when I was in this situation.. I could not find any that gave advices for those who are pregnant. 
If you have Already made the decision to go.. here are some of the questions I have been asked & some tips on what helped me through:

  1. rom the day I decided to go for Hajj.. knowing that I will be really far in my pregnancy.. I started to read the Dua for unseen help. This dua was read continuously throughout my journey till I returned home. This Dua and strong Yaqeen helped me in many situations along the way
  2. Lots of people said to me…how did you travel by plane so far In your pregnancy.. did the airlines allow you.. and so on.. I was 8 months during the 5 days and on return.. I heard of airlines stopping ladies on their local flights.. I was worried.. but i had a letter from my gynae & never needed it. Both going.. and returning.. in fact I felt that the airports officials.. air hostesses etc were all more curtious towards me. First to check in.. first on the bus.. even whilst I walked from our hotel to the Mina camp.. officials right through were so caring Alhamd.. Allah opens up doors for you.
  3. How did I manage with the heat. Honestly.. You are not the only one feeling hot.. everyone around you is feeling exactly like you. Temperatures were extreme but this is just part of the sacrifices during hajj and you will be rewarded for your patience.
  4. How did I manage with the toilets. 
    This is the biggest worry for most.. Again.. hajj sacrifices.. yes toilets get filthy.. and so on. From my experience last year.. the low pan toilets were much cleaner than the high pan toilets. being so far in my pregnancy I could not use the low pan for obvious reasons. 
    If you won’t be as far as I was then that’s a better option for you…but hey.. I managed. Carry all the stuff advised for you on the lists of things for the 5 days ( elastic or elasticated pants, door hook, rubber gloves)
  5. How did I make Tawaaf in the crowd.
    I did not make many tawaafs during my stay in Makkah. it was just Umrah.. 2 other days.. and then the 2 tawaafs during hajj. For Tawaafuz Ziyaarah, we took a wheelchair with us. I walked half and was pushed half. Tawaaful Widaa I was advised to use the electric cars on the top level- I was already almost 31weeks by then
  6. Walking Hajj: Although you will choose to take the bus to Arafat and Muzdalifah.. there is still alot of walking involved during the 5 days. i walked from our hotel in azizia to the camp.. then walks to the jamarat. TTW Special services hotel in azizia is the closest to the Mina camps than any other of the groups. 
    I used a pregnancy belt to support my belly and back which helped me alot 
    On my arrival in Makkah I bought a chair from Bin Dawood which also helped me to take breaks during the walk and to perform salaah in the camp.
  7. Sleeping situation : 
    So I’m not sure how non special service mattresses were but in special service the thickness of the mattress was good and very comfortable. For Muzdalifah.. whilst others purchased the flat mats.. I went for something thicker as well. Also from Bin Dawood.
  8. Stay Hydrated throughout the journey: 
    I use to mix rehydrate sachets with zam zam water .. the small bottles. This helped greatly
  9. Madina Rawdah Mubarak: PLEASE AVOID CROWDS. Stay away from the big groups. I was fortunate here in that a gaurd saw my pregnant stomach and took me into the wheelchair line. I did not have to wait.. she just made a space for me on the green carpet alhamdulillah. So rather show them that you are pregnant if it’s not noticeable as this will be safer for you and baby

I think this covers every aspect but if there’s anything you need to know please msg @burqarae I hope this helps all the pregnant hajees

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Hajj while pregnant