25 Ways to Avoid Boredom

  1. Set targets for yourself
    Zikr daily
    e.g. 100x Istighfaar 100x Subhaanallah. 100 x Alhamdullilah 100 x Allahu Akbar 100 x first kalima etc
    Quraan daily
    e.g. Surah Yaseen after fajr, Surah Waaqiah and Mulk after magrieb
    For your full stay
    Zikr e.g. 75000x 1st kalima
    10000 duroods
    Quraan 3x surah ikhlaas = Reward of 1 khatam of Quraan


  2. Phone or WhatsApp those who you are not on speaking terms with (if you have not done so already) 
  3. Buy food for Hajjis e.g. fruit/kajoor/biscuits 
  4. Listen to Islamic lectures- General and on Hajj. 
  5. Learn 99 names of Allah 
  6. Brush up on short and long surahs you knew and may have forgotten (especially those you avoid reading in salaah) 
  7. Read the Tafseer of any surah/s 
  8. Perfect your tajweed 
  9. Think about ways to improve your life after Hajj e.g. physically – take better care of your body, spiritually – develop greater Taqwa, health wise – sunnah lifestyle, mentally – good thoughts about others etc 
  10. Look at your spouse with Love so Allah looks are you with Mercy 
  11. Prepare your duaa list for wuqoof at Arafaat.
    Include the person from your ancestors who accepted Islam, your progeny, neighbours and the entire Ummah
    Made duaa for the hidayat of all the non Muslims you know.
    Include all your teachers, previous colleagues and those at places of employment, domestic workers, those who have impacted your life in any way, those you see on a daily basis, ppl from your town, school friends etc
  12. Calculate qadha salaah and begin reading them 
  13. Read literature on Hajj, Seerah, Makkah & Madina 
  14. Make a list of all your bad habits – make a firm intention to change 
  15. Visit anyone in your hotel who is ill.
    70 000 angels will make duaa e magfirah for you.
  16. Attend naseeha programs in your hotel or nearby hotels 
  17. Bring all your extra baking, sweets, chocolates etc to the eating place 
  18. Buy an iron or kettle & offer to others if your hotel does not have one 
  19. Buy washing powder, pegs or hangers and leave in the washing area
  20. Write down would you change ur life if you had
    – 1 hour to live
    – 1 week to live
    – 1 month to live
    – 1 year to live
  21. Phone or message your parent/s (or mothers sister/s or any family member) and express your gratitude to them for all they have done for you
  22. Read Quraan or make zikr for esaale thawaab of all marhoomeen from Aadam AS until the last person to be born. Make a special dua that Allah make their qabrs from the Gardens of Jannah and forgive them for all their sins.
  23. Analyze all the different roles that you fulfil on a daily basis (father, son, son in law, grandson, CEO of a business, community member) and note downs ways inwhich you can improve e.g. How can you be a better father to your child/ren
  24. Read 40 duroods and 40 rabbanas
  25. Admire the creation of Allah around you e.g. the sky, mountains, trees, fruit, your body

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

How to occupy your time in Azizia