🔹Raudah – Ziyarah for Ladies – Official Times🔹

The above pictures detail the official timings released by the Masjid An-Nabawi website.

N.B: Do remember that time changes and other similar adjustments are methods of crowd-control and are often utilized according to the volume of the crowds.
Therefore, it is always advisable to monitor the situation and to ask the guards at the door. .
A small explanation to help us understand what it entails for those handling the Raudah procedures:

Indeed, the situation can be very frustrating and for the most part, their strategies of dealing with the crowds often don’t seem to make sense to the onlooker; but, it is actually a product of various crowd-monitoring strategies including cameras etc.
It’s important to remember that they are dealing with very large and diverse crowds, with the language barrier being the primary issue in addition to various other cultural issues.

Thus the process of managing the crowd for ziyaarah to the Raudah is extremely challenging bearing in mind the space and time constraints, and therefore there seems to be a constant adjustment and implementation of various strategies in an attempt to find a solution.
Unfortunately, a lot of the time these changes are arbitrarily done, without any warning, depending on the size and nature of the crowd at that time, and this is what causes these delays or even a complete non entry.
The only thing that one can do is to make lots of dua for ease before going, and be prepared to take it as it comes.

Alhamdullilah, the waiting time, as frustrating as it can be, and many a times very difficult for those with children or health issues, is also an amazing opportunity to make ibaadah in the Blessed Haram.
Many a person has mentioned that taking some Seerah with to read while waiting has proven to be extremely beneficial and spiritually uplifting.

Finally – they are open to feedback:
-via the website at: http://wmn.gov.sa/ContactUs
-visit Door 25 and request to speak to someone or to fill out a form

Reposted from @madinahmemos – everything Haramain 💚

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Ladies Visiting times at the Raudah