After being accredited for Hajj, it is only natural for mothers (and fathers) to think about the ffg:

  • who will my children stay with
  • how will they manage without me
  • will my baby recognize me when I return
  • how will my child fall asleep without me
  • will my children be OK while I’m away

Most of all…

– Will I be OK leaving them for so many weeks?

Some comments/replies/stories by parents:

  • joomaverachia Aslm, wheny husband and i got accreditedast yeat for haj we werw so overwhelmed alhamdullilah, bt when it came to kids i woild jusy break down n cry, i cried at night, whem i was alone, bt i kept telling myself tht Allah has chosen me and Allah will look after them, and shikr they were fine, dnt kmw hw the 6 weeks went… What i did was i bought gifts for 6 weeks, 1 gift a weeki wrapped it up amd labeled each 1,and every jummah my mummy would give them 1… ❤ I wrote a note for each week, like week 1 was we reached

  • From anon.. Salaams, me and my husband left our baby with grandparents to go hajj. He was three months old. It was incredibly difficult to go and we missed him so much when he was there but we made lots of dua for him and got so busy during hajj that the time just flew. We went for a month and were devastated to leave him but glad we got our hajj done. Makkah and Madinah bring so much peace to our hearts, made it easier.

  • From anon… Leaving children behind is always tough💔 For me the greatest challenge wuz getting accredited days b4 I gave birth n having to make the decision to leave behind my newborn who wuz exactly 3 months old the day I left 😭 To leave behind a child that little n stop breastfeeding wen I fed the others til they were 2 yrs old wuz a heart-wrenching decision that I had to make. It really helps to have loving family members around who went out of their way to make my kids (I have 3) not feel my absence. It is said that u will be tested b4 or during Haj n I jus took this to be my test n alhamdulillah 2day I have absolutely no regrets. Allah gives our children amazing sabr n they r totally fine even though we think the world will collapse if we r not around for them 🤣 so if Allah has invited u to b His Esteemed guest don’t decline for Allah makes a way n now my kids r ever ready to ship me off again😂
    Insha Allah we r given the opportunity to perform Haj again soon❤️

  • quicksimpleneasy_cuisine Assalaamualaikum – I left my 3 n half yr old daughter – I didn’t cry until the airport when everything started to feel REAL.. I cried so much which made her cry also.. I pulled myself together and then smiled at her one last time before leaving her for 6 weeks.. I hugged her and kissed her and walked bravely towards the departure gates knowing that I’m only leaving her for the Pleasure of Allah 💕💕💕 I missed her on the plane but sooner or later my heart ache eased alhumdulillah.. For the entire 6 weeks I didnt speak her or video call her.. She stayed with my parents and they kept saying she’s fine.. Alhamdulillah
    What REALLY helped was that my mum did a timeline of events so that mentally she knew what’s gonna happen next and where we were.. So from Madina she knew when we were going to Makkah, when we were in Mina etc.. So on the timeline was also.. Eid day nana is gonna cut the sheep then such and such… From the day we were accredited we told her that abbi and I are going for Hajj bcoz Allah invited us and no children allowed etc
    Be honest and open with ur kids – explain to them who they will be staying with and what will happen during that time.. So nana was gonna take her to the beach and nani was gonna take her to the park and she’s gonna see her cousins and nani was gonna bath her and make her sleep etc
    Many people couldn’t believe that I didn’t speak to her for so long but it was better for both of us.. I didn’t want her to kno that she can call to speak to us coz she may have wanted to speak to us while we were unreachable.
    ease and aafiyah to those leaving their bundles of joy behind 💕 Aameen – Ask any mum who has left their child behind if they would do it again and they will say YES! 😉

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Leaving your little one behind