1. Check your intention before carrying out any task.

2. Engage in Zikr (the remembrance of Allah), even when carrying out simple tasks such as purchasing food.

3. When entering or leaving the Masjid, pass on 2 glasses (1 in each hand for convenience)of Zam Zam to elderly folk nearby or anybody else who may ask for it.

4. Remove litter and unpleasant items from the pathways, especially at the mubarak Masjids and the neighbouring areas.

5. Remember to greet other fellow Muslimahs with full salaam and a cheerful smile.

6. Show kindness and motivate other Muslimahs who may be experiencing hardships or simply missing home. Try to ease her plight and gain the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala Insha Allah.

7. Purchase musallahs, tasbeehs or even simply miswaak bundles and distribute to other fellow Muslimahs. Remember that their duas may grant you an accepted Umrah or Haj.

8. Guard yourself and your nafs. Do not take part in Zina. Allah Ta’ala’s curse is on whoever looks and whoever is looked at. Watch your temper and think before you speak. Guard your Ibadat, as the miserable Shaytaan is waiting to ruin us all. Insha Allah, Allah Ta’ala will protect us. Ameen.

9. Purchase Quran’s in the mubarak cities and add these to the shelves at the masjids in Makkahtul Mukarramah and Madinatul Munawwarah.

10. Bottled water is another simple, yet effective way of passing on charity. No act is too small, even in sharing a (kajoor) date will earn you reward, Insha Allah.

11. Make Niyyah when entering the masjid for Allah Ta’ala to please accept your time in the masjid as I’tikaaf and enter with the right foot.

12. Upon donning the Hijab, make Niyyah to Allah Ta’ala to please grant you the thawab of jihad in the path of Islam, to make you an ambassador for Islam, to use you for Dawah of Islam and to protect you from the gazes of strange men.

13. Sponsor a hafez in Madinatul Munawwarah and Makkah tul Mukarramah

14. Ask your guide on how to go about slaughtering an animal with the intention to feed the people, for your thawab or on behalf of somebody else.

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Maximise rewards during Hajj/Umrah