The blow are from – kindly consult your local aalim for further info

[As received] Kindly note, that this is not my Fatwa, its just what i gathered through my research.

Please note that this is according to the Hanafi Madhhab.

I checked a few kitaabs namely: Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya (Mufti Radha’ul Haq D.B) – mentions regarding the Sahabiyaat hanging their cloths over their faces from their heads so it doesnt touch all the time as mentioned in many ahaadeeth. This is what the sahaabiyaat used to do (in today’s times it would equal the cap parda). Nonetheless, some ahaadeeth mention that sometimes when many men were around they used to wear their pardas and as soon as they were gone, they used to remove.

So Basically Mufti Sahib says, Try using the cap method, but if you cant then wearing parda is fine as long as its not for a full day (not 12 hours). And when you get to the camp  you can remove. Dham will only come when worn for a full day.

Ahsanul Fatawa (Mufti Rashid R.A of Pakistan) : very brief fatwa wherein he says, If worn for a full hour, then approx Fitrah amount of Sadaqah is necessary. Muftisaab also said, we have to look at situations, if there is fear of fitnah, its fine to wear and give some sadaqah later. 

Fatawa Mahmoodiyah (Mufti Mahmoodul Hasan Gangohi R.A): mentions not to wear the parda because of Ahaadeeth mentioning not to wear. Muftisaab mentions very sternly that like men go through difficulty wearing the 2 pieces of cloth, likewise for us to wear the cap method.  And Muftisaab mentions that this difficulty is beloved to Allah. 💓

As can be seen, there’s different opinions, each is correct and according to the times of the Mufti. We should consult our Muftis that we follow and ask which is the best path to tread.

Hajj is about a little difficulty, but its reward is equally great.

And Allah knows best

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Niqab/Purdah while in Ihram