For every 1 bag of luggage you take – you need to pack 99 bags of sabr.

  • When your wife is running late
    Fa Sabrun Jameel
  • When your husband forgot to buy that 1 item you asked him for
    Fa Sabrun Jameel
  • When your travel agent slips up with your special request
    Fa Sabrun Jameel
  • When the hotel you stayed at isn’t what you expected it to be
    Fa Sabrun Jameel
  • When the 5 minutes procedure at the airport to have your passport stamped takes 3 hours
    Fa Sabrun Jameel

Patience is having something to do in the mean time

Occupy yourself with zikr, Quraan tilawah (on your phone also), listen to a lecture on Hajj (from your phone – take earphones with you)

Things wont go according to YOUR plan but will go according to Allahs Master Plan

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

The 1:99 Rule