Please consult your dr/gynae first

✨Get Plenty of Water
Drinking a lot of water everyday will help shorten your period. Large amounts of water will also reduce bloating and cramps during menstruation. How much to drink daily can be a bit confusing. Here’s a little weight based formula to help you to figure out how much water you should be drinking daily.

Take your current weight and divide by two.Take that number and drink that many ounces of water a day.
So if you weigh 130 pounds you should drink 65 ounces of water a day.

If you exercise for under an hour an extra glass or two of water should do the trick of replenishing fluids lost though sweating, but if you are exercising for over 60 minutes you will need more.

✨In addition to proper hydration, you should also avoid carbonated drinks and too much caffeine because they can increase cramps during menstruation.

✨Raspberry Tea
Some women swear by a daily dose of dark raspberry tea as a delightful way to shorten their menstrual period, combat heavy menstrual bleeding, and relieve painful menstrual cramps. Red raspberry leaves are most often consumed in the form of a tea. This tea is an amazing uterine toner due to the presence of an alkaloid that allows the uterus to contract more powerfully and effectively during labor. Less contractions, less straining, and less effort from the muscles, so there’s less cramping. The alkaloids also aid in toning the uterus after birth as it returns back to its usual size.

decreases profuse menstrual flow helps relieve cramping during menstrual cycles supports the adrenal glands during menopause

Not only is this tea a good uterine tonic, it’s also high in zinc which is known for shortening labor, strengthening connective tissue, preventing nipple cracks, bonding, avoiding post partum depression and preventing inconsolable crying in babies.

Red raspberry leaves also contain an easily assimilated form of calcium and magnesium which is necessary in controlling nerve response to pain. Some good sources of calcium include kale, collard greens, broccoli and Greek yogurt.

Chasteberry, also known as Vitex agnus-castus or “the women’s herb,” is a native of the Mediterranean region. This fruit and seed are used as medicine, and it controls a woman’s levels of prolactin, one of the hormones that triggers menstruation.

Since the time of Hippocrates, it has been used for many period and fertility-related issues including controlling, menstrual cycle irregularities, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and bleeding. Chasteberry can be found in tea form and should be taken 3 times a day for best results.

Other herbs such as chasteberry, that affect your menstrual cycle are yarrow and ginger that can reduce the duration of your period to three days.

✨Indulge in Dark Chocolate
If you’re craving chocolate it’s OK — give in! Having a piece of dark chocolate (with 60% or higher cacao bean) every day during your period will help soothe cravings. Plus, dark chocolate has helpful antioxidants and is linked to boosting serotonin, which can help improve your mood.

Women who are physically fit tend to experience shorter and lighter periods. Women who are quite sporty with less body fat may receive shorter periods.

Overweight women may experience longer and heavier periods, because menstrual cycle length and the amount of liquid that comes out are partly determined by your weight.
Women who are overweight and have a higher amount of fat in their body that can often cause more difficult and painful, longer and heavier periods.
For this reason, it is important to perform a regular exercise routine, even during menstruation, as it will help increase blood circulation in the body to help reduce menstrual cramps and shorten your period.
If anyone using Progesterone cream, continue using it on the “*OFF*” Days will not bring on a period.
It only works if you on it for a good few months.

Discussion on @journeytohajj Instagram

Tips for shortening Haidh/Menses